In 2022, Maison Rémy Martin won the “Exceptional Offer” prize of the Wine Tourism Trophies in the “Education and Environmental Protection” category.

As well as being a pioneer in nature protection, Maison Rémy Martin won the “Entreprise du patrimoine vivant”  - Living Heritage Company- label. It is committed to working alongside non-profits and other bodies to improve the quality of life in vineyards, biodiversity and soil quality.


Maison Rémy Martin’s eco-responsible history began back in 2003 with the signing of the United Nations “Global Impact charter.” Its vines were later granted “responsible farming” status in 2007 and “high environmental value” (HVE) certification in 2012.


Since 2020, the programme “Behind the scenes of ‘sustainable exception’" has been organising biodiversity-related activities on experimental plots in the vineyard. “Les Rencontres des savoir-faire”– a new departure for 2022 – takes the public behind the scenes of the cognac business.


Maison Rémy Martin

16100 Cognac


Tel.: +33 (0)5 45 35 76 66