Autumn's arrival in late September signals the return of the traditional nouveau vin accompanied by a platter of victuals. It's a flavour-filled event held in the vineyards of Alsace that's not to be missed under any circumstances!
During this harvest period, the region's independent winegrowers celebrate one of the year's highlights: Neier Siasser. Halfway between a fruit juice and a sparkling wine, this drink – made from the first pressing of the grapes – is lapped up by its fans every year.
Several tasting sessions are held on the estates over the course of a weekend where you can discover this special beverage as you nibble on local produce.
Book your place directly with participating winegrowers
From the last weekend of Septembre, Friday to Sunday
Syndicat des Vignerons Indépendants d'Alsace
16, rue Jean Mermoz - B.P. 41541
68015 Colmar cedex
Tel.: +33 (0)3 89 41 97 41
Email: accueil@synvira.com