Jazz à Vienne has become one of the flagship musical events of the summer, its annual programme featuring over 250 concerts. A host of internationally-renowned artists share the top billing over 16 days with two other stars: the festival’s two traditional wines.
Six winemakers have been combining their expertise for over 15 years to develop these two special cuvées, a Côte-Rôtie and a Condrieu. These exceptional wines, which are sold in bottles bearing the poster for the event, can be tasted during the festival at the evenings “Jazz en Vignes”.
Other local wines (and some of the finest, to boot!) are partners at the pop-up wine bar. Celebrated appellations from the Rhone Valley give the delightful evening concerts a full-bodied flavour!
Jazz à Vienne
21 Rue des Célestes,
38200 Vienne
June to July
Tel.: +33 (0)4 74 78 87 87
Email: contact@jazzavienne.com