It was in the delightful hamlet of Concœur, surrounded by the vineyards of the Côte-d'Or, that the Olivier family planted their aptly named "Ferme Fruirouge", dedicated in its entirety to small summer fruit!

Naturally enough, the family grows iconic Burgundy blackcurrants on its 13 hectares of organic land, not to mention raspberries, strawberries, redcurrants, cherries and vineyard peaches. Everything is harvested to make jams, sweets, syrups, fruit brandy, fruit butter and similar condiments. The star of this wide, totally fruity selection is the Burgundy PGI crème de cassis, an all-important ingredient in the famous kir served at aperitif time


The farm opens its doors year-round to show off the secrets of its craftsmanship to the general public. You can learn all about the old-fashioned artisanal techniques on a guided tour and see the copper basins where the jams are left to simmer over a low heat. In the old production workshop, now converted into a video room, a film traces the work carried out in the fields of vines as the seasons change, from harvesting to processing the fruit. When the weather is fine, visitors are even invited to get out into the fields so they can explore the vines and, if the spirit moves them, solve a series of puzzles in a field game: a life-size escape game!


When the tours reach their end, there are tutored wine tasting sessions where participants can compare the 100% natural aromas of the various blackcurrant products made at Ferme Fruirouge. And anyone who wants to prolong the pleasure of their taste buds by taking a few purchases home with them can stop off at the farm shop in the barn or at the Fruirouge & Cie, l’épicerie fermière store in Nuits-Saint-Georges. Here you’ll find the entire range of delicious products made by the Olivier family alongside local specialties and the top cuvées from the family or friends' vineyards.


More than enough, in other words, to leave enthusiasts feeling “berry happy”!


Ferme Fruirouge

Hameau de Concoeur

2 place de l’église

21700 Nuits-Saint-Georges


TEl.: +33 (0)3 80 62 36 25
